Transport and storage studies
In this section you will find study reports related to transport and storage of CO2 in the Longship CCS Project.

Northern Lights’ FEED study about CO2 transport and storage
The Northern Lights consortium finished the FEED report in the Spring of 2020:
Northern Lights’ concept study about CO2 storage
The Northern Lights consortium presented the concept report in the Spring of 2019:
Gassco’s concept study about CO2 transport
In the early phases of the project Gassco had the responsibility for transport aspects of the project.
Feasibility Study about carbon capture and storage
In the autumn of 2015, the Norwegian Government decided to continue this work and initiated a feasibility study. Gassnova completed that study in November 2016,
Pre-feasibility Study about carbon capture and storage
In May 2015 Gassnova submitted a pre-feasibility report, which identified several emission sources and storage sites that may be technically feasible for a CCS project. It also identified industrial players that may be interested in participating further.